Leuchter CLOUD Services - Your IT out of Leuchter CLOUD!
The technological evolution in IT is a chance for every company. Modern IT relies on cloud services. Only companies who use the right tools are agile, cost-efficient and competitive. We are convinced that the future of IT lies in cloud solutions.
For this reason, we have created Leuchter CLOUD. Leuchter CLOUD offers a solution from a single source. We transform some or all of your IT requirements so that you can completely do without a local server infrastructure. «IT on demand» becomes a reality.

Transparency and cost efficiency thanks to Cloud Services
Get IT as a service and do not pay more than you actually consume. With the Leuchter CLOUD “pay per use” model, you can save expenses and plan better. Savings can be achieved by sharing resources and reducing the space needed for your IT Infrastructure, as well as using less power and cooling. You also no longer invest in replacement hardware when equipment is breaking down. Because we will take care of everything and make sure that your IT is always up and running.
Cloud Services means mobility and flexibility
In the Leuchter CLOUD, your IT can be adapted at any time according to your needs. We guarantee dynamic provisioning and billing of the required computing power and storage space requirements.
The security topic is fundamental for Leuchter CLOUD. The basic architecture is professional, virtualised and highly available. All data centres are operated in Central Switzerland – pure Swissness – a guarantee that your data will remain in Switzerland. For maximum security, it also offers email and data encryption, archive solutions protected by access rights, and other tailored solutions that fully meet your company’s needs.
Our cloud services at a glance


Backup Microsoft 365

Desktop as a Service (DE)

Desktop for Hospitality

Enterprise VPN




Protel (DE)

Remote Desktop

Secure Access

Secure Mail


Software Distribution


Windows Update
Personal consultation
A team of various professionals will take care of your inquiries concerning the topics IT infrastructure, organisation, communication and co-operation in the modern business world. Please consign your questions and messages to our team. A proven expert in these topics will contact you.
We look forward to your inquiry!