Evaluate your IT Infrastructure by an IT Audit
An IT audit performed by specialists of Leuchter IT Solutions AG includes the comprehensive testing and evaluation of automated IT systems and their interfaces with the aim to optimise your company’s IT infrastructure. In an IT audit, an initial analysis and evaluation of the current status is followed by the conclusive assessment. A report shows then recommendations with due regard to individual cost-benefit needs and risk assessment.
IT Audits support the CIO and minimise IT Risks
The challenges and responsibilities of the modern CIOs and IT managers are complex and demanding. As a business enabler, he must understand how to dexterously abstract the complex relationships of the business and transfer them into the necessary technical solutions. As the most important link between IT and management, he mediates professionally between the two areas. He leads and manages highly qualified specialists and is responsible for a crucial asset of the company, the IT infrastructure. On the one hand, his strategy should guarantee an efficient and economical IT operation, on the other hand it should also comply with all legal and regulatory requirements. These are complex tasks in times that are characterised by demands of the data protection law and attacks by Anonymous.
- With that in mind, are you aware of the risks of your Corporate IT?
- Are all licenses acquired or does black software exist in the company?
- What level of availability and flexibility can you currently provide?
An external IT audit can help you in your task and provide answers to many questions from a wide variety of areas. Consider your familiar working environment from a completely new perspective – with us as a specialised sparring partner.
As an experienced IT service provider, Leuchter IT Solutions AG advises and supports industrial customers, financial and legal service providers as well as trust and tourism. For more than 25 years we have been partners in strategy, operation and project business with a focus on your benefit and your requirements.
Choose modular IT Audits by Topic
In order to meet the different requirements of our customers, we offer modular assessment services on specific topics within the company IT. During a first consultation, free of charge, together with you we will analyse the current problems and define which audit topics fit your needs. Depending on the scope, the specialists then check your IT systems and processes before you get a detailed report including the current status and recommendations for action according to the traffic light system. Arrange a non-binding and free consultation now.
- How well do I know the license requirements of my company?
- Do I recognise and address changes in demand on time?
- Is there hidden potential for savings?
- Are my licensing strategy and chosen licensing models optimal or is it “giving away” money?
- Does my licensing comply with the legal requirements?
- Is there black software in the company?
- Can I duly substantiate the licensing needs of IT to senior management?
- Do I know the license models and advantages of the respective providers and do I actually use them to my advantage?
- What effects does a failure of the IT environment have?
- What effects does a failure of IT have on the critical business processes in the company?
- Is the senior management aware of the cost of a system failure?
- Do I know the necessary critical processes that need to be supported?
- Are measures planned, responsibilities defined?
- Which regulatory and legal requirements exist?
Procurement and Resources
- Is my procurement strategy economically sensible?
- Is the strategy reflected in the technical implementation?
- What about the lifecycle and configuration processes of IT resources?
- What hidden costs are there?
Infrastructure and Servers
- What challenges in capacity management do I expect over the next 3 to 5 years?
- Is my hardware strategy in line with technical trends or am I investing my next storage lifecycle in dead technology?
- What level of operational security and flexibility does my current storage provide?
- What about the topic of spare and support service? What happens if critical components fail?
Infrastructure, Network and Internet
- How does my network design affect the operation?
- What level of availability and flexibility can I currently provide?
- How many (unnecessary) isolated solutions do I additionally operate?
- What challenges in capacity management do I expect over the next 3 to 5 years?
- Can I sleep peacefully with the security measures for WLAN and Internet access or is there an acute need for action?
- Which legal obligations regarding data protection must be fulfilled?
Infrastructure Clients
- Does the client strategy meet the business need?
- What is the optimal mix of standardisation and customisation of the clients?
- Can I cope with the topic of patch management?
- Are alternative models an issue (BYOD, SaaS etc.)?
- Do I know my risk map, what threats do exist?
- Are there any blind spots?
- Am I ready for the BYOD, mobile computing, cloud and SaaS challenges?
- Do I know the risks of my security strategy?
- Which critical business processes do I have to protect, what is less important?
- Do I know the legal and regulatory requirements?
- Do I really use the available resources for IT security or could I make more of it?
Physical security and Operating environment
- Do I know the requirements for my operating environment?
- Which are the risks I currently expose myself to?
- Will my infrastructure be provided economically?
- Do my strategies and processes survive an IT audit?
- Is there a regulatory framework in my field of activity/ sector?
Processes und Organisation
- Where are the weak points of my service management?
- How do I handle the topics Incident, Configuration, Lifecycle or Service Continuity Management?
- Which usage concepts do I offer as an internal IT service provider?
- How do I organise my processes?
Personal consultation
A team of various professionals will take care of your inquiries concerning the topics IT infrastructure, organisation, communication and co-operation in the modern business world. Please consign your questions and messages to our team. A proven expert in these topics will contact you.
We look forward to your inquiry!