Die Top 6 Social Engineering Techniken durch Telefonanrufe
In der heutigen vernetzten Welt sind Telefonanrufe nach wie vor ein beliebtes Werkzeug für Social Engineering-Angriffe....
The Leuchter IT Cyber Security Awareness Service supports companies in sustainably increasing their IT security resilience. The greatest risk of cybercrime is posed by a company's own employees, as there is often a lack of knowledge and awareness of possible attacks via phishing, spam or viruses, which can be infiltrated via various channels such as email, social media, WhatsApp and the like.
We focus on diversity. In addition to interactive eLearnings, we use a wide range of resources to raise awareness of cyber security. From practical giveaways packed with cyber security facts and tips, to physical flyers highlighting desired employee behavior and regular cyber news updates on current events, our focus is on integrating security awareness into everyday life.
We understand the importance of a well-thought-out, long-term approach to security awareness in your company. That's why we develop annual planned campaigns that serve as an integral part of your business strategy. Our campaigns are not isolated events, but part of a long-term strategy. Annual planning enables us to respond to constantly changing threats and requirements in a targeted manner. This planning not only enables orderly execution, but also continuous adaptation to current security trends. While we plan our campaigns in advance, they are still flexible enough to respond to current threats or business developments. This adaptability allows us to keep your security awareness up to date in an ever-changing digital landscape.
Our approach to security goes far beyond theoretical concepts. We understand that the strength of a security system is only revealed in practical testing. That's why we conduct realistic attack simulations that reflect the actual threats that companies might face.
Our attack campaigns simulate various scenarios to provide a comprehensive picture of the security situation. Phishing campaigns uncover vulnerabilities in the handling of suspicious emails, telephone checks test the response to potential social engineering attacks and on-site simulations, such as penetrating sensitive areas or searching through disposed documents, provide insight into physical security vulnerabilities.
Our realistic tests provide an invaluable opportunity to identify vulnerabilities and prepare employees for real threats. These hands-on tests not only strengthen systems, but also raise awareness of potential risks.
It is also important that employees understand how sophisticated and varied the methods of attack can be. By including various scenarios in the training and simulations, employees can develop a comprehensive understanding of how to recognize and prevent such attacks.
At Leuchter IT Solutions, we understand that security awareness is far more than just e-learning courses. Our unique approach goes beyond the screen to sensitize employees to the risks of cyber security in their daily lives. Raising employee awareness of cyber attacks is a continuous process. Through our campaigns, employees are not only trained, but also continuously made aware of cyber risks.
receiveda phishing e-mail
clickon a phishing link
how they may and must handlethe IT resources provided
how to clean up their workplace whenthey leave the office or how to protect information in public
Structure with annual planning and quarterly views.
In the age of flexible working models, including working from home, it is increasingly the responsibility of individual employees to independently recognize and report potential cyber attacks and attempts at deception. Regardless of position and area of activity, anyone can become a target for cyber criminals. Continuous awareness of cyber threats is therefore essential.
The e-learning is aimed at all team members and conveys the basic principles of cyber security in a clear and understandable way. With the help of illustrative examples and interactive exercises, participants learn what they need to pay particular attention to in their daily work environment.
Wide range of training templates with interactive content and knowledge tests on selected topics for comprehensive and targeted employee training.
Acquire skills on your own responsibility in short learning sequences.
Provision of small, retrievable learning content and exercises. Software-supported tracking of personal learning progress and adjustment of selection and frequency based on this.
By means of regular attack simulations tailored to the company, employees are exposed to fictitious phishing, spam or social engineering attacks on various channels. Experience has shown that this has significantly increased employees' awareness and resilience.
Compilation of current news, tips and tricks, blog posts or videos relating to the topic. Information for users who want to deepen their knowledge, as well as a helpful reminder and refresher for content they have already learned .
A welcome training course gives new employees the opportunity to learn the most important basics in the area of awareness.
With the focus training, employees deepen their knowledge independently in various areas with the help of training videos, quick tips and portable media. At the end, the knowledge acquired is tested in a quiz. The company always has full transparency over the course of the training. A large number of different modules are available.
Consumable material with tips and tricks for employees of awareness customers to remind themof what they have learned in their day-to-day work.Available in various packages.
Graphically appealing flyers on various topics that can be usedas a wrap-up to match the respective training focus, as a supplement to security events that have already taken place or simply as a refresher .
Each learning strategy can be put together individually.
In line with the motto "once is not once", both the attack simulation and the training are repeated. The repetitions are adapted to the findings of the previous attack simulations, the training sessions carried out and any new attack patterns.
Security awareness software is used for implementation and execution, which is fully configured by the specialists at Leuchter IT Solutions. The client receives read access to all data generated by the campaign. Each employee uses their personal company login to view their own test results and training documents for the duration of the campaign.
Pro campaign
Flat rate
Comprehensive insights through systematic reporting and analysis
Career changer in computer science with a focus on security. Co-development and implementation of individual services and core elements in the Security Operations Center. Knowledge in the analysis of external attack surfaces. Experience in security audit & certified Microsoft expert in security architecture and detection engineering at enterprise level.
In der heutigen vernetzten Welt sind Telefonanrufe nach wie vor ein beliebtes Werkzeug für Social Engineering-Angriffe....
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