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ICT Training & Education Award 2017

Every year, ICT-Training Switzerland assigns awards to companies that are above average involved in training young ICT professionals in Switzerland. The basis for the designation of Leuchter as a TOP ICT training company is a comprehensive concept for the promotion of education and training in the ICT sector.

Leuchter’s corporate philosophy includes the slogan “Learn every day and use the leading technologies”.

At Leuchter, optimal training is provided through targeted education and training programmes.

At Leuchter, two to six apprentices have been trained every year since the early 1990s, and expert employees act as examiners in a variety of disciplines.

Leuchter contributes financially to the training costs of the employees and provides five hours of effective study time per week.
Award-Logo 2017

Persönliche Beratung

Francesca Schoch ist Ansprechpartnerin für Mitarbeitende und die, die es werden möchten. Sie hilft dir bei Fragen zu aktuellen Stellenangeboten, ist unter Anderem fürs Recruiting, die Personaladministration und das Work-Life-Balance Programm der Leuchter IT Solutions AG zuständig.

Kontakt aufnehmen
Francesca Schoch

Francesca Schoch
HR Administration & Payroll Specialist