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Email Security

The Email Security topic is being discussed more and more frequently today due to numerous abuses. To ensure that a mail is transmitted from the sender to the recipient without risk, two functions are helpful: encryption and signing of the emails.


Signing emails is proof of the author

To prove authorship of an email, they are automatically signed with the sender’s user certificate. This digital signature ensures mathematically that the mail on its way to the recipient can not be changed (integrity) and proves the identity of the sender. By using qualified personal certificates, this can even guarantee legal security.

Email encryption ensures confidentiality

The encryption of emails guarantees the confidentiality of the contents. Nobody can change or view an encrypted email. This is only possible by sending access data via a separate channel.


Email Security thanks to Cloud Solutions

A common focus of IT management is the investment cost of an email encryption solution as well as the need for operational know-how. Starting from which number of users does the installation pay off and who operates the solution in the company? Particularly small and medium-sized companies are reaching their limits again and again. Email encryption should not be a question of company size but should be based on the need for security. A cloud-based approach bridges the gap between security and cost efficiency. Instead of running your own Secure Mail Gateway, emails are sent to the cloud via a secure tunnel. This eliminates maintenance and operating costs in your own IT infrastructure. Basis for operation are not the investment costs, but pay-per-use models.

Technische Lösungen & 

Technical solutions & products for risk minimisation in Email Security

In addition to developing IT security concepts, Leuchter IT Solutions also offers individual email security products as a service:

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Secure Mail Service

Secure and confidential transmission of encrypted emails has been possible for years. Yet, many institutions struggle with it. The reason is usually the extensive and complex purchase process and the specific pre-configuration at the receiver’s end. Leuchter Secure Mail Service ensures the complete set-up, maintenance and update of the software.



Protect yourself against advertising mails, spam and phishing emails with SpamGuard, Leuchter's anti-spam and anti-virus service. On average, 70% of inbound emails flood inboxes unnecessarily. Using the spam and virus protection service, emails are first redirected to the mail gateway in the Leuchter CLOUD, where all incoming mails are checked and securely forwarded to the mail server only if they are legitimate. The own IT infrastructure is relieved, because only the "essence" of the mail traffic is delivered to the inbox.

In addition to the services, we mainly cooperate with the following manufacturers of email security solutions and their products:

Personal consultation

A team of various professionals will take care of your inquiries concerning the topics IT infrastructure, organisation, communication and co-operation in the modern business world. Please consign your questions and messages to our team. A proven expert in these topics will contact you.
We look forward to your inquiry!

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