CyberSeal: Ihr Garant für herausragende Cyber-Sicherheit
In einer Welt, in der digitale Bedrohungen omnipräsent sind, wird die Notwendigkeit für ein sicheres digitales Umfeld...
In recent years, at least half of all SMEs have had security problems with malicious software, virus attacks, hacker attacks or ransomware. Data loss or system failure may be the result. Many of our customers prefer therefore to be supported in terms of IT security and rely on the implementation of IT security standards. This can already significantly reduce the risk. IT security is not a one-off exercise, but a constant optimisation process. Therefore, it is important to rely on existing, proven technical solutions on the one hand, but also to introduce among employees well-thought-out, application-oriented security concepts that are implemented and practiced daily. Statistically speaking, the biggest risk today is the human factor.
In addition to developing IT security concepts, Leuchter IT Solutions also offers individual security products as a service:
For our customers, our IT security professionals conceive security concepts to optimise IT security, with due regard to the specific needs of each company. Those can be the following conceptual projects:
Almost every day we are confronted by the media with new cyber attacks, malicious programmes or criminal blackmail on the Internet. As IT security is an essential prerequisite for the success of digitisation, it already has a firm place on the agenda of many companies.
Leuchter IT Solutions has decided to join an initiative taken by four IT companies which have made it their mission to provide Swiss SMEs with cost-effective and adequate IT security. On a dedicated blog for security topics, our employees report on this platform about current events and possible protective measures. We recommend Leuchter customers to subscribe to the secnovum blog to receive regular updates on IT security topics.
IT Security is not just a subsequently implemented tool in a solution, it is a mindset in the planning, design and operation of IT infrastructures, be it on premises or in private, hybrid or public cloud. As an example, significant Swiss companies operating in a wide variety of sectors, some of which are even extremely sensitive to security, rely on our operating system hardening strategies.
By cooperating within the secnovum initiative, it is guaranteed that we will implement the right IT security at adequate prices, which also stands up to external audits, and, that we are constantly adapting to the latest trends and permanently improving ourselves.
The secnovum Initiative also shows that Leuchter IT Solutions is aware of its own limits and uses third-party partners to professionalise its (managed) services.
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A team of various professionals will take care of your inquiries concerning the topics IT infrastructure, organisation, communication and co-operation in the modern business world. Please consign your questions and messages to our team. A proven expert in these topics will contact you.
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