So schützen Sie sich vor den Gefahren der digitalen Transformation
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Protect yourself from advertising emails, spam and phishing emails with SpamGuard, the Leuchter spam and virus protection service. Around 70% of incoming emails flood inboxes unnecessarily. Our service first forwards emails to the mail gateway in the Leuchter CLOUD. This gateway thoroughly checks all incoming emails. Only legitimate emails reach the mail server securely. This reduces the load on your own IT infrastructure, as only the essential emails end up in your inbox.
Spam e-mails are unsolicited messages that are sent electronically to many recipients. They differ in content and can cause considerable damage. Sorting out and reading spam costs mail account holders valuable working time. Processing spam e-mails can also lead to downtime. In addition to phishing or virus e-mails, there are also commercial mass e-mails that are desired. This is the case if the recipient has actively signed up for an advertising newsletter. The Leuchter spam and virus protection service SpamGuard still delivers these desired advertising emails because Forti-Guard saves special user actions.
Phishing refers to fake emails that aim to obtain a user's personal data. The aim of the scam is to harm the person concerned with this data. This often leads to account looting. A phishing attack usually begins with a personal, official-looking email. The aim of this is to lure the recipient to a fraudulent website. The website often looks deceptively genuine and asks for account access data under a pretext. With the help of FortiGuard, the Leuchter spam and virus protection service recognizes every phishing attack at the sender and prevents it from being delivered to users.
Virus-infected emails make up the majority of dangerous spam attacks. These e-mails contain malicious file attachments. If you open these attachments or click on malicious links, your computer will become infected with a virus or Trojan. Therefore, you should never open e-mails of unknown origin or with unknown content. SpamGuard, the Leuchter spam and virus protection service, recognizes infected e-mails and eliminates them before delivery.
To protect the inbox, the Leuchter spam and virus protection service uses a worldwide, dynamic reputation database from Fortinet. This enables reliable filtering of new and known sources of spam. The integrated virus scanner removes incoming mails with harmful content. It also reliably detects and eliminates viruses in PDFs, images or ZIPs. The reputation database identifies unwanted emails based on the sender, so that the content does not have to be analyzed in depth. Email content therefore remains confidential and protected.
Thanks to outgoing inspection, the Leuchter SpamGuard Service remembers trustworthy recipients. This means that their reply never gets stuck in the spam filter again. Dubious e-mails are quarantined, whereby the user can decide for himself which e-mails should nevertheless be delivered.
The lean cloud concept of the Leuchter spam and virus protection service SpamGuard adapts the mail routing to the mail domain. There is no need for time-consuming on-site installation work. Maintenance and upkeep costs are also part of the service and do not burden the customer. Leuchter relies on a quality product from Fortinet for the implementation. FortiGuard impresses with its stability, low maintenance requirements and cost efficiency. The Leuchter spam and virus protection service can be integrated into your IT environment or combined with Microsoft 365.
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A team of various professionals will take care of your inquiries concerning the topics IT infrastructure, organisation, communication and co-operation in the modern business world. Please consign your questions and messages to our team. A proven expert in these topics will contact you.
We look forward to your inquiry!