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EliteBook X G1i / EliteBook X Flip G1i
Making use of so-called cloud computing, IT resources and IT applications are provided on demand via Internet. The resources available are flexible. That means that they can be scaled up or down according to demand. After the actual use, you will be charged for the so-called cloud services. Thus, you only pay for what you have actually consumed at any given time.
You may obtain IT resources and IT applications through Leuchter CLOUD from a Central Swiss Data Center. Leuchter CLOUD is a hybrid cloud solution assuring security like in a private cloud while being as flexible as a public cloud. You decide for yourself whether you will receive individual services as a Software Service or whether your specific IT Services will be depicted as a complete solution in the Leuchter CLOUD, one-to-one. Using Cloud Computing, the goal is to completely do without a local infrastructure comprising network, server and computer resources, in order to ultimately save costs and gain in flexibility.
In addition to the procurement of IT resources from Leuchter CLOUD , individual services may also be obtained from the cloud. From a variety of services, just choose the right one that meets your needs. Cloud services are also compatible with existing local IT environments and can therefore be optimally used as a supplement. All cloud services are subject to high security standards and have high availability at predictable costs. In addition, Leuchter CLOUD Services are scalable and can be flexibly combined.
For the purpose of achieving seamless integration and optimal added value when using Cloud Computing Technologies, the right strategy is required. Our cloud consultants will assist you by analyzing your existing IT infrastructure and business processes, considering your needs, and identifying still unknown requirements. Then, together with you, we define the required cloud architecture, advise you on the future solution requirements and support you in the calculation of business cases and the final implementation.
Make a non-binding appointment with our competent contact persons in the field of Cloud Computing.
EliteBook X G1i / EliteBook X Flip G1i
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A team of various professionals will take care of your inquiries concerning the topics IT infrastructure, organisation, communication and co-operation in the modern business world. Please consign your questions and messages to our team. A proven expert in these topics will contact you.
We look forward to your inquiry!